• Yesterday, I had a productive conversation with a dear friend. As always, I strive to see my close associates succeed, so I offered some advice.

    She works for a financial institution, has a good salary, but feels time-constrained. I suggested investing in promising small businesses. These businesses often lack capital, and a small investment could significantly boost their income.

    This came to mind because these small businesses can often double your investment within a year. They primarily lack capital, and with a modest injection of funds, they could potentially triple their annual income.

    She acknowledged this but expressed reluctance. This resonated with me, as comfort zones hinder progress for everyone, not just entrepreneurs.

    Anything we're doing this year that isn't actively advancing our goals likely stems from being in our comfort zone.

    The Comfort Zone is a thief of time!

    The Comfort Zone a major obstacle to success.

    Don't let it hold you back.

    Take action now!


    Pics taken at Oyinbo market in Dec while shopping for the Hundeyin Family Reunion which took place in my residence. Got nothing to do with the message 🤣

    #oyingbomarket #lagos #ojaoyingbo #comfortzone #thiefoftime #takeaction
    Yesterday, I had a productive conversation with a dear friend. As always, I strive to see my close associates succeed, so I offered some advice. She works for a financial institution, has a good salary, but feels time-constrained. I suggested investing in promising small businesses. These businesses often lack capital, and a small investment could significantly boost their income. This came to mind because these small businesses can often double your investment within a year. They primarily lack capital, and with a modest injection of funds, they could potentially triple their annual income. She acknowledged this but expressed reluctance. This resonated with me, as comfort zones hinder progress for everyone, not just entrepreneurs. Anything we're doing this year that isn't actively advancing our goals likely stems from being in our comfort zone. The Comfort Zone is a thief of time! The Comfort Zone a major obstacle to success. Don't let it hold you back. Take action now! Ceah© Pics taken at Oyinbo market in Dec while shopping for the Hundeyin Family Reunion which took place in my residence. Got nothing to do with the message 🤣 #oyingbomarket #lagos #ojaoyingbo #comfortzone #thiefoftime #takeaction @highlight
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 3592 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • You are invited to: *October Discipleship Vigil*

    Theme: *Guarding Against False Teachings: Embracing True Spirituality*
    *Philippians 3:2-3*

    Date: *Friday 11 October 2024*
    Time: *11:00 PM- 1:00AM (WAT) Lagos, Nigeria*

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 869 2396 7099
    Password: 388303.

    You can also join this meeting on:

    You are invited to: *October Discipleship Vigil* Theme: *Guarding Against False Teachings: Embracing True Spirituality* *Philippians 3:2-3* Date: *Friday 11 October 2024* Time: *11:00 PM- 1:00AM (WAT) Lagos, Nigeria* Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86923967099?pwd=SkJUNEFzWjJnMmhWSldYcUhYdFJYUT09 Meeting ID: 869 2396 7099 Password: 388303. You can also join this meeting on: *YouTube* https://www.youtube.com/@discipleshipovercomers766
    1 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1975 Ansichten 0 Vorschau



    “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” - (Matthew 19:26)

    READ: JOEL 2:25-26 (KJV)

    25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

    26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed..

    Today, I will conclude my teaching on ‘impossible’ prayers. There is a popular saying that an opportunity, once lost, can never be regained. The fellow who said that did not put God in the equation. With God, nothing is impossible. He can restore the unrestorable. You might have lost an opportunity in the past and now you think that it is impossible to regain that opportunity. However, there is nothing impossible with God.

    In Ezekiel 37:1-11, God restored life to dry bones. God can restore that opportunity that you think is long gone to you if you have faith. He specialises in doing the impossible.

    When I was studying at the University of Lagos, I applied to the Federal Ministry of Education for a scholarship to pursue a Master’s degree. Time passed, and I never got a response from the ministry. Somehow, I raised the money for my tuition, and life went on. When I was close to obtaining the Master’s degree, I met someone I used to know back when I was a games master in a secondary school. He was a games master at another school, and we had met when both of our schools were involved in a competition. As we talked, I found out that he now worked at the Federal Ministry of Education. I told him, “You people are very tough at the ministry. I applied for a scholarship, and I wasn’t even called for an interview.” He told me that he would look into it. I thought I would get a letter asking me to come for an interview, but to my surprise, the letter I got was to tell me that I had been awarded the scholarship. Since I had already paid my tuition, I bought a land and built my first house with the money I was awarded. God used a casual meeting to restore an opportunity that I thought was long gone, and it led to me building my first house.

    What you may have lost could be more serious. If you have lost your first love for Christ, and the passion and love that you had for Him at the beginning seems to have died, God will restore your love for Him today, in Jesus’ name. You can love Him far more than you ever did. All you have to do is cooperate with Him as He guides you on what to do for that love to be restored.

    God can reverse the irreversible.




    1 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
    and to take him at his word;
    just to rest upon his promise,
    and to know, "Thus saith the Lord."
    Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him!
    How I've proved him o'er and o'er!
    Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
    O for grace to trust him more!

    2 O how sweet to trust in Jesus,
    just to trust his cleansing blood;
    and in simple faith to plunge me
    neath the healing, cleansing flood! [Refrain]

    3 Yes, 'tis sweet to trust in Jesus,
    just from sin and self to cease;
    just from Jesus simply taking
    life and rest, and joy and peace. [Refrain]..
    *OPEN HEAVENS DAILY DEVOTIONAL.* . DATE: TUESDAY OCTOBER 8TH 2024 TOPIC: 'IMPOSSIBLE' PRAYERS II MEMORISE: “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” - (Matthew 19:26) READ: JOEL 2:25-26 (KJV) 25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. 26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.. MESSAGE: Today, I will conclude my teaching on ‘impossible’ prayers. There is a popular saying that an opportunity, once lost, can never be regained. The fellow who said that did not put God in the equation. With God, nothing is impossible. He can restore the unrestorable. You might have lost an opportunity in the past and now you think that it is impossible to regain that opportunity. However, there is nothing impossible with God. In Ezekiel 37:1-11, God restored life to dry bones. God can restore that opportunity that you think is long gone to you if you have faith. He specialises in doing the impossible. When I was studying at the University of Lagos, I applied to the Federal Ministry of Education for a scholarship to pursue a Master’s degree. Time passed, and I never got a response from the ministry. Somehow, I raised the money for my tuition, and life went on. When I was close to obtaining the Master’s degree, I met someone I used to know back when I was a games master in a secondary school. He was a games master at another school, and we had met when both of our schools were involved in a competition. As we talked, I found out that he now worked at the Federal Ministry of Education. I told him, “You people are very tough at the ministry. I applied for a scholarship, and I wasn’t even called for an interview.” He told me that he would look into it. I thought I would get a letter asking me to come for an interview, but to my surprise, the letter I got was to tell me that I had been awarded the scholarship. Since I had already paid my tuition, I bought a land and built my first house with the money I was awarded. God used a casual meeting to restore an opportunity that I thought was long gone, and it led to me building my first house. What you may have lost could be more serious. If you have lost your first love for Christ, and the passion and love that you had for Him at the beginning seems to have died, God will restore your love for Him today, in Jesus’ name. You can love Him far more than you ever did. All you have to do is cooperate with Him as He guides you on what to do for that love to be restored. KEY POINT: God can reverse the irreversible. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: MATTHEW 21-22 AUTHOR PASTOR E A ADEBOYE HYMNAL: 16 - 'TIS so SWEET TO TRUST IN JESUS 1 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, and to take him at his word; just to rest upon his promise, and to know, "Thus saith the Lord." Refrain: Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him! How I've proved him o'er and o'er! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace to trust him more! 2 O how sweet to trust in Jesus, just to trust his cleansing blood; and in simple faith to plunge me neath the healing, cleansing flood! [Refrain] 3 Yes, 'tis sweet to trust in Jesus, just from sin and self to cease; just from Jesus simply taking life and rest, and joy and peace. [Refrain]..
    1 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1644 Ansichten 0 Vorschau



    “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.” - (2 Corinthians 1:20)

    READ: NUMBERS 23:19-20 (KJV)

    19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

    20 Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it.

    Today, I will continue my teaching on the various categories of prayer by looking at the second category: easy prayers. You pray easy prayers when you ask God for what He has already guaranteed in the Bible. For example, asking God for your daily bread is asking for something that He has already guaranteed (Matthew 6:9-11). The shepherd does not eat grass; it is meant for the sheep. So, when you ask God for food as His sheep, it is an easy prayer that He will answer easily (Psalm 23).

    Psalm 35:27 says that God has pleasure in your prosperity. Therefore, asking for wealth is an easy prayer. Years ago, when I asked God for money to build a small house in Mushin, Lagos, He said, “Don’t ask for a house, I have decided to give you a city.” So, when seven of us gathered in Ilorin to pray for a campground, one of us began to prophesy, “I have already provided the land, I will only show it to you.” The land was already provided because He guaranteed it in His word (Psalm 2:8).

    One of my children said, ‘Give me’ is the prayer of a child. When your son comes to ask you for food, he is just saying, “I am ready for the next ration,” he is not bothered about the provision of the food. In the same vein, you should not be bothered about things that God has already promised you in the Scriptures. They are already provided for you, so all you need to do is ask, and you will get them at the right time. There is no need to worry about money, food, or all those things that make you comfortable; God has already provided them (Matthew 6:25-34).

    When you worry about the things that God has guaranteed, it shows that you have little faith. Before you came to this world, He had prepared everything you need to survive. Just ask for them when you need them. As you ask, pay attention to whatever instructions He will give you on how to get them. In (1 Kings 17:4-6), He told Elijah to go to the brook and food was brought to him there. If Elijah did not obey, he would have died of hunger even though food was available for him. Your well-being is God’s responsibility; stop worrying about it.

    Worrying about your daily needs is a sign of faithlessness. If God has guaranteed them in His word, just ask Him and He will provide them at the right time.




    1 Jesus loves me, this I know,
    for the Bible tells me so.
    Little ones to him belong;
    they are weak, but he is strong.
    Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
    Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.

    2 Jesus loves me he who died
    heaven's gate to open wide.
    He will wash away my sin,
    let his little child come in. [Refrain]

    3 Jesus loves me, this I know,
    as he loved so long ago,
    taking children on his knee,
    saying, "Let them come to me." [Refrain]
    OPEN HEAVENS 2024 DEVOTIONAL DATE: FRIDAY OCTOBER 4TH 2024 TOPIC: EASY PRAYERS MEMORISE: “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.” - (2 Corinthians 1:20) READ: NUMBERS 23:19-20 (KJV) 19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? 20 Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it. MESSAGE: Today, I will continue my teaching on the various categories of prayer by looking at the second category: easy prayers. You pray easy prayers when you ask God for what He has already guaranteed in the Bible. For example, asking God for your daily bread is asking for something that He has already guaranteed (Matthew 6:9-11). The shepherd does not eat grass; it is meant for the sheep. So, when you ask God for food as His sheep, it is an easy prayer that He will answer easily (Psalm 23). Psalm 35:27 says that God has pleasure in your prosperity. Therefore, asking for wealth is an easy prayer. Years ago, when I asked God for money to build a small house in Mushin, Lagos, He said, “Don’t ask for a house, I have decided to give you a city.” So, when seven of us gathered in Ilorin to pray for a campground, one of us began to prophesy, “I have already provided the land, I will only show it to you.” The land was already provided because He guaranteed it in His word (Psalm 2:8). One of my children said, ‘Give me’ is the prayer of a child. When your son comes to ask you for food, he is just saying, “I am ready for the next ration,” he is not bothered about the provision of the food. In the same vein, you should not be bothered about things that God has already promised you in the Scriptures. They are already provided for you, so all you need to do is ask, and you will get them at the right time. There is no need to worry about money, food, or all those things that make you comfortable; God has already provided them (Matthew 6:25-34). When you worry about the things that God has guaranteed, it shows that you have little faith. Before you came to this world, He had prepared everything you need to survive. Just ask for them when you need them. As you ask, pay attention to whatever instructions He will give you on how to get them. In (1 Kings 17:4-6), He told Elijah to go to the brook and food was brought to him there. If Elijah did not obey, he would have died of hunger even though food was available for him. Your well-being is God’s responsibility; stop worrying about it. KEY POINT: Worrying about your daily needs is a sign of faithlessness. If God has guaranteed them in His word, just ask Him and He will provide them at the right time. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: MATTHEW 10-11 AUTHOR PASTOR E A ADEBOYE HYMNAL: 13 - JESUS LOVES ME, THIS I KNOW 1 Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to him belong; they are weak, but he is strong. Refrain: Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. 2 Jesus loves me he who died heaven's gate to open wide. He will wash away my sin, let his little child come in. [Refrain] 3 Jesus loves me, this I know, as he loved so long ago, taking children on his knee, saying, "Let them come to me." [Refrain]
    1 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1818 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • The Haastrup Story

    Oba Fredrick Kumokun Adedeji Haastrup, Ajimoko 1, was the 34th Oba of Ijesha land. He was from the Bilaro royal families of Ilesha.

    History has it that he was captured by the Ilorins at the age of 14 c.1820s-30s and was sold into Slavery, He was transferred from one slave market to another, finally reaching the coast where he was put on a slave ship chained to other slaves, fortunately, the ship was intercepted by the British Man O' war marines who diverted the slave ship to Sierra Leone.

    In Sierra Leone, the young Kumokun met a CMS missionary by name Niels Christian Haastrup, who took a liking in him, Kumokun became his ward and was later Baptized taking the name Fredrick Haastrup. After nearly three decades, he returned home first arriving in Lagos and later in Ijeṣaland to re-establish contact with his Ijeṣa royalty.

    In Lagos, he acquired large tracts of property which became known as Igbó Obį Haastrup, contracted to the present day Igbobį, at Ibeju Lekki where he cultivated Kola-nuts on a commercial scale. His business interests meant he often took ship up and down the waterways trading in dry fish and other commodities. On one of these journeys, he was instrumental in steering the vessel to safety. He described himself as steering the ship in the manner of a caucasian: Ajimọkọ bi oyinbo.

    He became popular in Ijéṣaland during the Kiriji wars when he was a member of the Ekiti parapo solidarity group in Lagos. The organization supplied arms to Ijeṣa warriors who were at war with Ibadan. He was later pivotal in advising the Owá (King) during peace negotiations with the British and Ibadan that brokered the end of hostilities.

    In April 1896, when he was well into his seventies, Frederick Kúmókụn Haastrup became the Owá Obokun of Ijeṣaland and took the title Ajimọkọ I (derived from his nickname: 'Ajimọkọ bi Oyinbo'), though he was the first Christian Ọba of Yoruba land. He died on September 1, 1901.

    #haastrup #ijesha #owa #owaobokun #ajimoko @highlight
    The Haastrup Story Oba Fredrick Kumokun Adedeji Haastrup, Ajimoko 1, was the 34th Oba of Ijesha land. He was from the Bilaro royal families of Ilesha. History has it that he was captured by the Ilorins at the age of 14 c.1820s-30s and was sold into Slavery, He was transferred from one slave market to another, finally reaching the coast where he was put on a slave ship chained to other slaves, fortunately, the ship was intercepted by the British Man O' war marines who diverted the slave ship to Sierra Leone. In Sierra Leone, the young Kumokun met a CMS missionary by name Niels Christian Haastrup, who took a liking in him, Kumokun became his ward and was later Baptized taking the name Fredrick Haastrup. After nearly three decades, he returned home first arriving in Lagos and later in Ijeṣaland to re-establish contact with his Ijeṣa royalty. In Lagos, he acquired large tracts of property which became known as Igbó Obį Haastrup, contracted to the present day Igbobį, at Ibeju Lekki where he cultivated Kola-nuts on a commercial scale. His business interests meant he often took ship up and down the waterways trading in dry fish and other commodities. On one of these journeys, he was instrumental in steering the vessel to safety. He described himself as steering the ship in the manner of a caucasian: Ajimọkọ bi oyinbo. He became popular in Ijéṣaland during the Kiriji wars when he was a member of the Ekiti parapo solidarity group in Lagos. The organization supplied arms to Ijeṣa warriors who were at war with Ibadan. He was later pivotal in advising the Owá (King) during peace negotiations with the British and Ibadan that brokered the end of hostilities. In April 1896, when he was well into his seventies, Frederick Kúmókụn Haastrup became the Owá Obokun of Ijeṣaland and took the title Ajimọkọ I (derived from his nickname: 'Ajimọkọ bi Oyinbo'), though he was the first Christian Ọba of Yoruba land. He died on September 1, 1901. #haastrup #ijesha #owa #owaobokun #ajimoko @highlight
    2 Kommentare 0 Anteile 4927 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Charterhouse School Lagos, the most expensive secondary school in Nigeria, will open its door to new students this September.

    The students will be the first pioneer students of the school.

    With 46 million naira, which is the school fee for one year, you can send your child to this prestigious, elitist secondary school, which is modelled after the Charterhouse school in the UK.

    By the way the admission form cost 2 million naira only...
    Charterhouse School Lagos, the most expensive secondary school in Nigeria, will open its door to new students this September. The students will be the first pioneer students of the school. With 46 million naira, which is the school fee for one year, you can send your child to this prestigious, elitist secondary school, which is modelled after the Charterhouse school in the UK. By the way the admission form cost 2 million naira only...
    2 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1449 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • I will be live on Lagos Talks 91.3FM tomorrow Wednesday from 6am. Do not miss the opportunity to be informed as we engage policymakers, politicians, technocrats on Nogeria-related issues.
    I will be live on Lagos Talks 91.3FM tomorrow Wednesday from 6am. Do not miss the opportunity to be informed as we engage policymakers, politicians, technocrats on Nogeria-related issues.
    2 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1271 Ansichten 0 Vorschau

    By: Prof. Oludare Ogunlana

    Our boys whom we sent to the universities to study are now living in hotels doing "Yahoo", defrauding people.

    They are not studying. They are "sorting". Bribing lecturers to pass.

    They only come to campus in convoys once in a while to show off. Guess what?

    Some lecturers are even worshipping them.

    Our teenage sons are now driving Benz Cars in the university. They are now "happening guys" on campus.

    The houses our sons in universities are living in now are flats and duplexes as against the self-contained that we used to know.

    Well furnished and so beautiful like the home of some state governors.

    Our sons are all married in the university but single at home.

    Girls swarm around them... living with them, cooking for them, doing all sorts of things with them and for them.....

    These girls are our daughters whom we sent to the universities to study.

    They are in every club and hotel in town....they are found in front of exotic cars, fastening seatbelts, taking selfies, recording short videos and moving their tongues and lips like DOGS.

    My recent research in Nigerian universities opened my eyes to this current ugly reality. I wept for the future.

    These are teenagers, not even adults.
    Guess what?

    We still see them as children who know nothing.

    I don't want to mention names of hotels in IBADAN, LAGOS, IJEBU-ODE, ABEOKUTA, AKURE, EKITI STATE, etc where you will see your sons and daughters. They have been living there for weeks if not months.

    They are not going to school. "Who school help?" Don't you get it?

    These teenagers— boys and girls are abusing drugs. Not just hemp (igbo) but cocaine, tramadols and other terrible ones.

    I had once boarded a vehicle with a young girl in AGO-IWOYE who had some crack (cocaine) in her purse.

    For a reason l did not know, the police officer that stopped us for a search didn't search her but searched every other passenger.

    On the way, she brought out a drug, gently sniffed some and threw out the remaining through the window.

    I looked at her and paused, she also paused; both of us paused. I remained deaf and dumb until I got to my destination.

    Who will save this generation who painfully are our tomorrow and future of this country?



    May God beautify our characters and the characters of our children

    FUTURE TEARS (EKÚN ÒLA) By: Prof. Oludare Ogunlana Our boys whom we sent to the universities to study are now living in hotels doing "Yahoo", defrauding people. They are not studying. They are "sorting". Bribing lecturers to pass. They only come to campus in convoys once in a while to show off. Guess what? Some lecturers are even worshipping them. Our teenage sons are now driving Benz Cars in the university. They are now "happening guys" on campus. The houses our sons in universities are living in now are flats and duplexes as against the self-contained that we used to know. Well furnished and so beautiful like the home of some state governors. Our sons are all married in the university but single at home. Girls swarm around them... living with them, cooking for them, doing all sorts of things with them and for them..... These girls are our daughters whom we sent to the universities to study. They are in every club and hotel in town....they are found in front of exotic cars, fastening seatbelts, taking selfies, recording short videos and moving their tongues and lips like DOGS. My recent research in Nigerian universities opened my eyes to this current ugly reality. I wept for the future. These are teenagers, not even adults. Guess what? We still see them as children who know nothing. I don't want to mention names of hotels in IBADAN, LAGOS, IJEBU-ODE, ABEOKUTA, AKURE, EKITI STATE, etc where you will see your sons and daughters. They have been living there for weeks if not months. They are not going to school. "Who school help?" Don't you get it? These teenagers— boys and girls are abusing drugs. Not just hemp (igbo) but cocaine, tramadols and other terrible ones. I had once boarded a vehicle with a young girl in AGO-IWOYE who had some crack (cocaine) in her purse. For a reason l did not know, the police officer that stopped us for a search didn't search her but searched every other passenger. On the way, she brought out a drug, gently sniffed some and threw out the remaining through the window. I looked at her and paused, she also paused; both of us paused. I remained deaf and dumb until I got to my destination. Who will save this generation who painfully are our tomorrow and future of this country? WE ARE SADLY KEEPING TOO QUIET! EKÚN ÒLA! May God beautify our characters and the characters of our children
    1 Kommentare 0 Anteile 863 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • When you have a great product, Kings & Queens will come to buy from you. We have entered into partnership with some local govts in Lagos to enable their people access this great opportunity, leaving no one out.
    This fulfills part of our mission and vision of Developing Culinary Entrepreneurs across Africa.
    Please, like and share this great idea. Thank you
    When you have a great product, Kings & Queens will come to buy from you. We have entered into partnership with some local govts in Lagos to enable their people access this great opportunity, leaving no one out. This fulfills part of our mission and vision of Developing Culinary Entrepreneurs across Africa. Please, like and share this great idea. Thank you
    2 Kommentare 3 Anteile 4411 Ansichten 0 Vorschau