I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: For without me you can do nothing. John 15:5

No branch survives without the vine. A branch that is cut off may maintain its greenness for a while but it is dead from the moment it is cut off.

God never said, “Without me you can do some things” but, “You can do nothing.”

Without Him we cannot succeed but with Him we can do all things (Philippians. 4:13).

If you want to know the helplessness of a branch cut it off from the vine. Likewise, if you want to know the nakedness of a man cut him off from God.

Only those who cleave to the Lord remain alive (Deuteronomy 4:4).

Accomplishment is only possible through permanent relationship with God.

Accomplishment is only possible through permanent relationship with God
by: Bishop David Abioye

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THE GOD FACTOR IN SUCCESS I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: For without me you can do nothing. John 15:5 No branch survives without the vine. A branch that is cut off may maintain its greenness for a while but it is dead from the moment it is cut off. God never said, “Without me you can do some things” but, “You can do nothing.” Without Him we cannot succeed but with Him we can do all things (Philippians. 4:13). If you want to know the helplessness of a branch cut it off from the vine. Likewise, if you want to know the nakedness of a man cut him off from God. Only those who cleave to the Lord remain alive (Deuteronomy 4:4). Accomplishment is only possible through permanent relationship with God. Accomplishment is only possible through permanent relationship with God by: Bishop David Abioye Download Devotional Bible @ Amazon @ amzn://apps/android?
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