Take advantage of the crazy reduction in price during the promo period to become a premium member and save up to 50% on all categories.

For Nigerians, multiply by N1,000 to get the price in Naira. Participate in the promo program and earn up to $1,500 before the end of October.

Note: Only Prime or Prime Max qualify you to be part of the promotional earnings as you need to be a Verified and Premium member. Whaooo! #itakun #promo Emmanuel Haastrup
Take advantage of the crazy reduction in price during the promo period to become a premium member and save up to 50% on all categories. For Nigerians, multiply by N1,000 to get the price in Naira. Participate in the promo program and earn up to $1,500 before the end of October. Note: Only Prime or Prime Max qualify you to be part of the promotional earnings as you need to be a Verified and Premium member. Whaooo! #itakun #promo [ceah]
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